Motivating your employees is one of the harder parts of being a manager, but keeping your workers energized and attached to your company goes a long way to improving your corporate culture. Energetic employees are an asset to any business, not just in terms of production but also because they stay longer and retain that valuable skill base they build up working with you. Luckily, many methods can be used to increase employee loyalty and keep morale high.

Invest in Your Employees

Your workers are the human capital that keeps your company moving, and just like machinery and financial capital, people work best when you invest in them. One such investment is to keep training materials at hand and have ample opportunity for employees to cross-train for more positions, expanding their skillset in the process. This not only allows you to see who will seek out new skills on their own but also helps to prepare for unexpected absences or sudden departures since now more people are trained for each position. If your company relies on college-educated employees, sponsoring courses can entice people to expand their educational goals a bit, which can benefit you as your workers become more knowledgeable.

Trust Your Employees

Workers don’t like feeling like they have someone always watching over them. Giving your employees a bit of freedom to handle their tasks on their own judgment can encourage them to come up with new and novel ideas. Furthermore, most people like being able to come to their own creative solutions to an otherwise difficult problem, something that sitting over their shoulder or giving a strictly followed list of bullet points doesn’t exactly incentivize. Obviously, some discretion will be required, as depending on your customers or your area of business, uniformity and close inspection may be important. Even within those guidelines, though, giving employees some freedom can go a long way to improving your company’s corporate culture.

Listen to Your Employees

You may be the manager, but your subordinates are still trained professionals. They will have suggestions and ideas that can be used to improve the company, your product, or customer relations. It’s important that your employees know that you will listen to their ideas, even if they don’t get implemented. Much like giving employees the liberty to try new training or ideas, letting them know their input is valued helps to motivate workers to keep experimenting, which in turn leads to a stronger product and a more loyal workforce.